Quotes I Like

Each morning at my present company, we have a practice of ending our daily meeting with a quote. These are typically business or leadership related but not always. Sometimes we mix it up a bit to keep things interesting or just to open up the floor to other offerings. IContinue Reading

Pi 7" Tablet

7″ Touchscreen On somewhat of a whim, we visited a Micro Center for the first time about a week ago. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of Raspberry Pi accessories that they stock and at competitive prices too. My wife saw me eyeballing the Raspberry PI Official 7″ TouchscreenContinue Reading

Amsoil Ride Hard Run Cool

It all started one afternoon in 2010 when I came home from work and my wife told me to get into the car and go to sleep. What? She said she had a surprise for me and it was going to be a long drive. Many hours later we pullContinue Reading